In Russian, the Schoty abacus is called as, счёты – meaning counting. It has 11 rows of wooden beads/pebbles sliding on them. The Japanese and Chinese abacus influenced the design of this abacus. The Russian abacus was invented in the 17th century. Now, let’s dive deep and learn more about the Shaw-tee abacus. Introduced mainly for currency calculations, the Russian abacus was an integral part of counting and businesses in the Soviet Union, centuries back. The Russian abacus or the Schoty abacus is pronounced as Shaw-tee. It was majorly used for Rouble calculations relating to the Russian currency. The Russian abacus has a simple design and a much specific purpose. The Russian abacus, otherwise called the Schoty abacus, is not as well-known as the Japanese or the Chinese abacus. Also, these devices are very simple to use, yet very versatile. Rods, beads, and frames put together have created various types of an abacus. It is fascinating how one invention influences the other and gives rise to a whole different phase in history. This is one of the very rarely spoken about types of abacus, invented centuries ago. In this article, we shall indeed discuss a lesser-known invention – the Russian abacus. Every month, we have been bringing to you educational blogs on types of abacus and their evolution.

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